Traditionally, the feast of Jesus’ birth is celebrated in Germany. In this cold season, the light of hope is seen as the basis for trust, joy and peace in the world. It is represented symbolically by the candles on the Christmas tree and on the Advent wreath. Even the lights of Christmas decorations in the streets and shops brighten our spirits, warm our minds and give us the confidence and strength we need to defy the dreariness of winter.
Already in antiquity, the day of the solstice was celebrated. After the shortest day of the year, the day of the winter solstice, the darkest time of the year is already over and the days are getting longer again – this gives hope.
This hope for more light, which has a strong influence on our well-being, body and soul, evokes in many people a pleasant and positive mood. It already creates an almost romantic Christmas spirit in Advent. It is not for nothing that Christmas is often called the festival of love and family.
It is the time of year where you can take a planned break – and even should, to get over the everyday stress and routine to have the time to reflect. Remember what Christmas time is all about: joy, happiness and thankfulness. When you light the next candle, you light a light of hope.
With this in mind, we wish you all a peaceful, sparkling Christmas with bright light and a happy New Year 2020!