The third edition of GreenTech Amsterdam took place from 12 to 14 June this year. With over 10,000 visitors from 112 countries it was a very successful tradeshow and the must fair on the international horticulture sector. As one of the 477exhibitors AUVL was pleased to show its innovation product totally “Made in Germany” the 630 W CMH DE lamps.

At our booth #12.811 visitors were given the opportunity to get an in-depth knowledge of the AUVL portfolio, including our Grow Green Soium Lamps Double and Single ended, the Grow Green Metal Halide Lamps as well as the Grow Green ceramic metal halide lamps.
At our booth we had pleasant in-depth conversations with interested visitors and customers. They could see and touch our high-quality Grown Green lamps in different wattages and technologies.

As a German manufacturer we are fully behind our high quality consciousness and aim with our expertise to take an active part in ensuring that our products are used in conventional greenhouses and laboratories in both horticulture and legal hydroponic markets.

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